
Pangolin Project Data Catalog

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Global Dataset

  1. CITES Trade Database Download
    • Database Documentation
    • Description: report records of import/export of pangolins by countries (non-transactional record)
    • Major Fields: Year, Taxon, Importer, Exporter, Origin, Imp Quantity, Imp Unit, Imp Term, Imp Purpose, Imp Source, Reporter Type
    • Data Subset of Manidae - data download
    • Size: 20 million+ records (full dataset)
    • Range: 1975 onwards
    • Format: CSV
    • Source: NGO
    • Remarks: Error data not marching headers are spliced out. Error Data and Locations can be viewed on this notebook (spliced out data do not concern Manidae but other species)
    • Status: Exploratory analysis. Karen filed the request, 2018 data not available until October at earliest.
    • TODO
      • calculate scales(kg) to individual number (scale to weight ratio of different species) (paul
  2. Environmantal Investigation Agency
    • Carto link
    • Description: a subset seizure incidents from 2000 to 2018, compiled from publicly available records and represents only a fraction of actual trade during that period
    • Major Fields: Location, Volume(Est.) (no raw data publicly available)
    • Size: N/A
    • Range: 2000 - 2018
    • Format: Plot Map Visual
    • Source: NGO
    • Remarks: raw data need to be requested
    • Status: Request Sent
  3. Traffic reports on pangolins
    • Format: PDF

China Dataset

  1. China Judgements Online Database
    • Repo
    • Description: GUI courtcase search website tool
    • Major Fields: N/A
    • Size: 109 - 117 (search results vary)
    • Range: N/A
    • Format: Judgement text
    • Source: Judicial
    • Supplementary:
  2. HKU Paper on Pangolin Seizures in China
    • Research data download
    • Description: We summarize pangolin seizure data reported in public media from 2008 to 2016, incorporating often neglected small seizures reported in Chinese.
    • Major Fields: year, province, city, amount, unit(kg/ind/piece), status(scale/alive/meat), equal individual, source country, from, to, stop, custom or not, form, species, media source
    • Size: 207 records
    • Range: media reports from 2008 - 2016
    • Format: Excel
    • Source: Academic (media reports, court verdicts, CITES…)
  3. Pangolin ingredient in Chinese Medicine
    • Description: Stats of hospitals using medicine with pangolin ingredients, 209 medicine companies, 78 kinds of medicine, 715 hospital
    • Major Field: Province, Hospitals Using Medicine with pangolin ingredient, Medicine name, Permit ID, Production Companies
    • Size: 314 medicine-medcine_company records(Normalised)
    • Timestamp: 2016
    • Format: csv
    • Source: China Food and Drug Administration
    • Remarks: shared by Jiaming
  4. Government Stock

  5. Pangolin related Company
    • Description: pangolin keyword search
    • Major Fields: Company Name, ID, Province, City, Legal Representative, Registered Capital, Founder Date, Business, Tel, Address, Email, website
    • Size: 120 companies
    • Timestamp: 01-06-2019
    • Format: Excel (Normalised)
    • Source: Qixin open data
    • Remarks:

Hong Kong Dataset

  1. Hong Kong Customs Press Release data download
    • Repo
    • Description: Text data on HK Customs press release
    • Major Fields: Year, Month, Date, Title, Url, Article
    • Size: 2352 records (all press release)
    • Range: 2004 - 2018
    • Format: TSV/Excel/Spreadsheet
    • Source: Government (self scraped & curated database)
  2. Hong Kong Seizure Data by Karen
    • Description: Summarized from HK Customs data
    • Major Fields: Date of seizure, Contraband, Quantity (kg), Other contraband, Where found, Seizure region, Smuggled from, Destination, By, More info about the contraband, Any arrest?, Worth (HK dollars), Others, Notes
    • Size: 30 records
    • Timestamp: 2012 - 2019
    • Format: Excel
    • Source: Summarized from HK Customs data
    • Remarks:

Taiwan Dataset

  1. Taiwan court case
    • data
    • Description: Court case results by keyword search ‘穿山甲’
    • Major Fields: Cause of Action, Court Info, Date, Url
    • Size: 104 (including unrelated cases)
    • Range: 1997 - 2019
    • Format: Excel
    • Source: Taiwan Judicial

Malaysia Dataset

  1. Pangolin Seizure in Malaysia
    • data
    • Description: Pangolin seizure cases summarised from media reports
    • Major Fields: Date, Amount (Live), Amount (Frozen), Amount (Scales), Amount (Parts), Agg number of panglins, Form/Term, Location, Origin, Destination, Person, Offense, Status, Link, Notes
    • Size: 30
    • Range: 2011 - 2019
    • Format: Excel/Spreadsheet
    • Source: Media Reports

Nepal Dataset

  1. Central Investigation Bureau, Nepal Police
    • data download
    • Description: summary of pangolin operation data since 2012
    • Major Fields: N/A
    • Size: N/A
    • Range: Since 2012
    • Format: Summary data
    • Source: government

Vietname Dataset

  1. USAID - Buyer Profile
    • buyer demographics
    • need research on the comprehensive survey
    • from vietnam country report